New Insights on Marketing – The Science And Answers Behind Digital Marketing

New Insights on Digital Marketing. Science Behind It.

I recently came across a book called “The Science of Marketing: When to Tweet, What to Post, How to Blog, and Other Proven Strategies” by Dan Zarrella.

I LOVE marketing, so I had to share it with you, so you can enhance your knowledge and have data driven marketing strategies that will help you grow your business.science_of_marketing_BOOK

This is one of the best books on Digital Marketing I’ve read in a long time. This is what you really need to know about marketing on Social Media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, also Blogging, E-mail Marketing, creation & marketing of E-books and Webinars, and SEO.

The best thing about this book is that there is NO fluff, no “one fits all” method (which is really an illusion if you haven’t noticed). It is filled with statistics and research based findings, and nitty-gritty facts (not theories!) about what’s working now online so you can choose and try different strategies based on your business needs.

Try these techniques, experiment with your audience, and let me know how they worked for you.

Read it and share it!

You can get this book “The Science of Marketing” on AMAZON, a book store, or just get it from a library.

1 thought on “New Insights on Marketing – The Science And Answers Behind Digital Marketing”

  1. Charsie Robertson

    HELLO Renata!! Thanks for sharing this book title…perfect timing for what I’m currently involved in. It’s been a LONG time since we last connected. I hope all is well with you and the family. Take care!


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