2 Reasons You Don’t Get What You Want

Okay, so before I give you the 2 things… I need to clarify something.

Do you believe in manifesting or you roll your eyes when someone talks about it? 🙂

Some people think that it’s a total BS, while others are all about this more spiritual approach to get what they want.
Manifesting is nothing else but just an accomplished goal = getting what you want.

So whatever you call it, we’re on the same page, and just so you know… you manifest (or taking steps to get what you want) every day.
If you have a job, you go to work in order to get paid. The money is the result you want and that’s your manifestation = end goal.
If you have a business, you approach people, create programs, make offers, etc. so you get paid (again!). You do this so you manifest money = end result.
Use whatever words you want, just remember that what you want is to have the end result, whatever that is… more money, relationships, better health, etc.
All I’m saying is… don’t get stuck on the verbiage.
Now back to getting what you want, how do you manifest what you want? Well… there are certain things that people are missing in the process and that’s WHY they’re aren’t achieving the results they want – manifesting what they want.
Most people do NOT have one or both of these MAJOR ingredients and that’s WHY they don’t see the results (aka manifest what they want):

1.Skillset / knowledge / strategies

If you don’t have the knowledge around what you do (you’re not an expert), the steps you need to take and how to do things, there’s just no way you can be successful.

2.Internal foundation

If you don’t believe that you can do it or there are some internal conflicts or gaps, you’ll be HOLDING yourself back and will not be successful. You may say that you want something, but you don’t do (or overdo) things that you gotta do – you may procrastinate, avoid doing things (intentionally or unintentionally), making excuses or finding all the reasons why now isn’t a good time or why you can’t do things.
My questions to you…

  • Which one (or both?) is relevant to you?
  • What exactly are you doing to “fix” the problem (or are you doing anything)?


You answering these questions means the start of shifting the present and beginning the creation of the future you desire. It is a good start.

And if you want more steps or guidance, especially around money, download and read my FREE ebook “Unlock Your Money Flow and make sure you follow me on social media.


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