2020 Resolutions Kept Summit

Have you heard of the 2020 Resolutions Kept Summit?

It’s an online summit where I was one of the speakers sharing strategies and insights to make the 2020 year the best ever!


If you didn’t have a chance to join the 2020 Resolutions Kept Summit… WATCH NOW!


We chatted about…
🔥 where we tend to fall short,
🔥 how our internal aspects like beliefs, values, programming in general impact our decisions, actions and results,
🔥 how we get in our way
🔥 why it’s important to know our mind’s blueprint
🔥 how we can change things to ensure that we aren’t just putting another band-aid
and more…..


Image may contain: ZofiaRennea Morales and Renata Mazu, people smiling, text



There are a few of us speaking and there are so many amazing experts sharing, so make sure you tune in for tooons of strategies, insights and FREE gifts.