You will attract into your life the situations, circumstances, people and events that are in harmony with who you are, how you see yourself and your dominant thoughts and the feelings that are attached to those thoughts.

There is nothing worse than a little voice in your head constantly controlling your thoughts, actions and your feelings. You may ask how they can control you? The answer is simple – by continuously replaying fears, hurtful things, negative thoughts, or “what if” scenarios over and over again and feeding you the feelings of no worth, failure, judgement, doubt, or fear. The fact is that whatever you hear or see for an extended period of time, you start believing in. If that kind of thoughts run in your mind all the time, guess what, you will eventually believe the things to be true or that you are all those things. If your mind chatter is at full swing, it can drive you crazy and you can lose yourself, self-love, and self-confidence, if you haven’t already. But there is no need to panic, you can change all that!

Do you know how to identify self-limiting beliefs?

What works best is to tackle redundant thoughts and emotions first and identify why they exist and what’s causing them. You will find that they are often connected to certain beliefs, so observe your emotions and thoughts and look for patterns. Every time you’re in a certain situation, thoughts and emotions attached to a certain belief will start rising repeating the old thought pattern. If one of your core beliefs is “I can’t be successful” and let’s say you don’t get a job that you really wanted and hoped for, there is a great chance that this belief will kick in and self-judgment, shame, anger, disappointment emotions along with the fear of never succeeding will start taking over creating thoughts supporting this belief. In your mind, you will go to every situation when you felt similarly, when you were not able to achieve or get something you wanted and this way will confirm and strengthen your belief. How many times has this happened to you? I know this happened to me.

Think this way… most of your beliefs have been formed in your childhood and they were greatly influenced by your parents and society. As you go through your own experiences in life and gain new knowledge, you may learn that certain beliefs no longer work for you – they’re in your way of further growth and expansion; it’s what we call self-limiting beliefs. You probably can’t fit into the clothes that you wore 30 years ago, because they no longer fit you. The same applies to your beliefs – if you grew and expanded, your beliefs should have shifted with your growth, and if they didn’t, they’re restraining you now and preventing you from achieving things you want.

To change all that, all you need to do is to reprogram your beliefs – tame your monkey mind, shut the old beliefs and replace them with the new ones. It sounds simple, right? It is that simple, but it requires time and work on your part. One of the way you can start shifting your beliefs is instead of going through negative situations and emotions (like in the example above), stop for a moment and start looking for things you were successful at and make a list of your achievements – small or big. This way you will start creating a new pattern that in time will replace the old belief of not being successful. Little by little you will create new beliefs that are aligned with who you are now and retrain your brain to accept them and eliminate the ones that no longer work.

I’ll introduce you to different strategies as we move along. <3