Are you afraid of “WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG”? Is Fear holding you back?


I’ve had a few very interesting conversations over past several days around blocks and reprogramming beliefs.

Do you know what’s very interesting? 99% of people I talk to about the mind matters, they ALL have one thing in common – two words “WHAT IF,” and these words are usually followed by a negative statement and doubt.

Is “what if” in your vocabulary?
Is it holding you back?

Are you saying WHAT IF:
• I express something out loud and I can’t achieve it, what would others think?
• I set my goals too big?
• Others will judge me?
• I fail and disappoint myself and others?
• I’m never successful?

If so, this is a BIG RED flag.

You secretly wish for something because you EXPECT the worst case scenario and if the worst case scenario happens, you’ll feel “SAFER” by not saying anything to anyone. WRONG!

You really really really want something, but in the back of your mind you create excuses, blocks, reasons WHY something would not happen. Guess what, the big U brings you EXACTLY what you’re asking for – more doubt, more fear and very few results.

Let me ask you something…


Others want to support you in your journey and they want to help and listen to you (not judge you)?
• Failures are just an illusion that your brain wants you to believe in? What if they’re just bumps in the road and if you learn how to get up faster and adjust things, you’ll be much much much more successful next time?
• By saying it out loud you have a much greater chance achieving what you want? Everything is energy, so the more good energy, good vibes, wants, etc you put out there, the more people you can touch and inspire, increase the collective energy higher, and grow even more yourself?
• You knew that you will succeed if you just made that one big jump? Would you still be fearful?

Just think… Fear is just a tool. 🙂

Much love,