Are you in your own way?

Do you know when you’re in your own way?

When I look back, I realize that sometimes I didn’t even realize that I was in my own way or that I sabotaged my own efforts.

I don’t want this to happen to you or at least, I’d like that you stop and at least recognize some destructive patterns that you may be carrying.


Here are a few pointers that you may be in your own way…

👉You doubt yourself and constantly seek for approval from others.👈

You just don’t feel that you can make a good decision without checking with others first (and I’m not talking about research here). I’m referring to situations when deep inside you know what you can do, how you good you are, but still need to hear it from others or often don’t feel good enough to do certain things even though you’ve got the proof of your past achievements.

👉You procrastinate and avoid doing things.👈

You read books, take courses, get into various programs hoping that the knowledge you gain will help you fix the issues you’re having or what you’re struggling with. But oftentimes all this is just a cover up because you still don’t do things that you need to do.. whether it’s approaching a potential client, making a video or selling your program. You often feel that you don’t have enough knowledge, therefore, you avoid action or procrastinate (i.e. fill time with other unnecessary things) and seek for more knowledge instead of just doing what you need to do. Information doesn’t really change your actions.

When more knowledge doesn’t help you move forward or enable you to take action, you’re just using this as an excuse to avoid doing what you need to do.

How about this one?
👉You’re scared of hurting other people’s feelings and just can’t say no or set any type of boundaries. 👈

Here’s this lady who’s been with the company for 16 years and holds a very high position in the company, yet she’s not able to say no to anything that her boss throws at her. She’s at the point of quitting the job because she’s simply burned out.

So instead of setting some boundaries and being a PERFECTIONIST (another symptom!) thinking that she must do everything perfectly all the time, respond to messages the moment they come in, etc., she’s desperate to please others no matter what (also, a self-worth issue).

Want more symptoms?
👉 Constant worry
👉 Dropping things and not finishing them
👉 Critical self-talk / Overthinking
👉 Self-sabotage
👉 Chronic pain
👉 Restlessness 
👉 Negative self talk

Do you recognize any of these?

If so, stop wasting another minute and START eliminating the ROOT CAUSE of these symptoms.

Click HERE and schedule your FREE Strategy call and learn how you can do that.