Business Startup and Growth

A Business Coach can help you develop, grow and run a business

Recently I came across an article on on how startup business owners (I’d also add “growing businesses”) can find expert guidance and advice on various business related issues. Believe it or not Business Coaching and Consultants can be solution to your problems as they can provide you with or show a direction where you can find solutions. You may know how to develop a product or provide a service, but you may not know how to grow, develop, or run a business. Admit it, you cannot know it all!

Here is the excerpt of the article, I could not have said any better…

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Business Coaches

While self-help resources can provide generic advice, a business coach delivers one-on-one mentoring specific to your enterprise and challenges. Coaches usually charge a monthly retainer that includes a defined number of hours and a specific program plan.

A good coach has years of business experience that he or she can use to analyze your business model, pinpoint flaws, suggest improvements, identify and troubleshoot day-to-day problems, and fine-tune areas ranging from sales and marketing to hiring and team management. If sales are slow or customers are complaining, he or she will figure out why and formulate a cure. New business owners are simply too busy minding the store and usually too inexperienced to solve these problems themselves.

In choosing a coach, look for a local person who can see your operation firsthand, provide training assistance and be readily available. Be sure that your personalities mesh and that he or she has specific systems and methodologies to help you run your business properly. Coaching is a long-term relationship that requires good communication and mutual respect.

Also, select a coach with a broad business background rather than someone from your industry. To ensure creative problem-solving, you need an advisor who isn’t shackled by preconceived notions of your market. And remember that you’re looking for a business coach, not a life coach. There’s a big difference. <…>”

Read full article here 3 Ways to Get Expert Advice.

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