Blog on everyday matters for individuals and businesses, tips on marketing strategies, business and personal development and growth.

2020 Resolutions Kept Summit

Have you heard of the 2020 Resolutions Kept Summit? It’s an online summit where I was one of the speakers sharing strategies and insights to make the 2020 year the best ever!   If you didn’t have a chance to join the 2020 Resolutions Kept Summit… WATCH NOW!   We chatted about… 🔥 where we tend

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Release Past Pain

Here’s what I just read… this is from a coach that I really respect and like for what she does, but I do NOT necessarily agree with her methods…  She said that in order to release the pain you need to “reawaken your own life events when you dig into your memories to find when

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Are you in your own way?

Do you know when you’re in your own way? When I look back, I realize that sometimes I didn’t even realize that I was in my own way or that I sabotaged my own efforts. I don’t want this to happen to you or at least, I’d like that you stop and at least recognize

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Reprogram Your Mind

Okay, I admit, there was a time when I firmly believed that affirmations, constant mind observation and refocus were THE way to shift one’s mindset, beliefs, perception or values. While I still believe that these things work well, are important and can bring results over time, they can no longer compare, NOT EVEN CLOSE to

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Sharing my story during the interview with Good Intentions Radio Show with United Intentions Foundation INC. Beliefs, thoughts, emotions, conscious & subconscious mind, channeling, intuition… we touched many topics and still barely scratched the surface.

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