Blog on everyday matters for individuals and businesses, tips on marketing strategies, business and personal development and growth.

Let’s Grow Together

Let’s Grow Together I am a business coach, but I am not perfect and I do not know all the answers to the questions. But I know how and where to find the answers and how to use the common sense. Believe it or not, but you may be surprised how many things are based

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Business Startup and Growth

A Business Coach can help you develop, grow and run a business Recently I came across an article on on how startup business owners (I’d also add “growing businesses”) can find expert guidance and advice on various business related issues. Believe it or not Business Coaching and Consultants can be solution to your problems

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How to Choose a Career

What is next in my life? What job should I do? Some of us are very happy with the current situation, job, or just life in general, or at least we do not question those things. Others, on the other hand, constantly seek for ways to achieve more, improve the life, change things, or figure

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Your Marketing Start-up Some small business owners were asking me how to find more clients to increase sales and what marketing techniques to use. The truth is that there is no one technique or method that would work for everyone, every product or service. You need to try out many things until you find what

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Learn to Enjoy and Relax

Learn to Relax. You don’t need much to feel happy. I was browsing the TV guide to see what’s on and just randomly clicked on some game show. It appeared that a lady has won a Jacuzzi and some tennis sport set. She was so happy as if she won free groceries for a lifetime

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