Dealing with Anxiousness. Stop Feeling Anxious and Worried.

I had a pleasure to be a guest on Dr. Nelson Bulmash’s show Health Matters. I was blessed not only to chat with this amazing soul, friend, successful entrepreneur and show host, but I also to work with him on some things that were in his way. Everyone of us, including high-achievers, have roadblocks and blind spots that need to be cleared and uncovered.

Watch the show, especially if you feel extremely anxious or fearful now as we’ll be chatting about what you can do today, tomorrow or in a few months to fully stand in your power.

This was a show with real life questions from real people right there in the studio, answers and tips on how to break your unwanted patterns, and even you may learn a thing or two about Renata or the Doc.

I truly hope that you find at least 1 thing useful and that you’d apply to your life today.

BTW, if you wish to skip straight to our conversation, start at minute 16 ;).