Do you focus on your strengths or weaknesses?

We’ve been taught from childhood that we need to find something that we’re not good at (our weakness) and work on it. On rare occasion, we were encouraged to focus on what we’re really good at and continue growing there.

Well, the reality is that if you focus on something that you’re not good at, you’re automatically getting into the resistance mode. And when you’re resisting something, you’re not going to produce great results. Yes, you can improve your skills at something you’re not good at, but the growth rate will not be high compared to as if you focused on your strengths. So how about instead of looking for things that you suck at, look for things that you’re great at?

The reality is that you can always hire people to do the work that you don’t like or that you’re not good at. By focusing on what you’re really good at you’re projecting your path to excellence and therefore, a much high rate of growth.

I’m not saying that you need to forget and ignore what you need to learn. I’m saying that what focus on affects how you feel, what actions you’re likely to take, and how fast these actions will produce (or not) results.

If you want to learn more about who you are, identify what you’re good at or what you really love doing, these questions may help. Don’t think much when answering, just write things that come to your mind down.

  • What makes you happy? What makes your heart sing?
  • What makes you sad?
  • What do you love doing? What is something you always love doing, even when you’re tired? Why?
  • What are some things that make feel you unhappy?
  • What are your dreams? What is your passion?
  • What have you done in your life that you’re proud of?
  • What do you feel your purpose is? What are you meant to do?
  • How do you see and feel about yourself?
  • What are your qualities, skills, and abilities?
  • What is your highest core value?
  • What is important and true to you no matter what?
  • What are your most common thoughts and emotions?
  • What are your fears? Do you know why they exist?
  • What makes you doubt yourself?
  • Do you ever feel that you sabotage your own efforts or limit yourself to what you can achieve? If so, why do you feel this happens?
  • How confident are you in your abilities to achieve what you really want?
  • What kind of people do you like to be around you?
  • Who is your greatest role model?
  • Do you currently have the life you’ve always dreamed of? If not, why?
  • Do you trust yourself? If not, why?
  • Do you like alone time?
  • What do you believe is possible for you?
  • If you could be or have anything in the world, what would it be?