Fear will either drive you or prevent you from achieving what you want


A simple answer – FEAR.

Fear will make you choose things you don’t want and stay where you don’t really want to be. It may not make sense to you yet, but that’s how it is.

I’ve been talking about childhood programming and how what and how you think and feel and what you believe in was formed in your early years. You were also impacted by events, circumstances and people in your life. Therefore, you’ve formed a self-image, what you like or don’t like, how you see things or what you think you can or can’t do.

Your conscious mind, i.e. the thinking and intellectual part of your brain, has the ability to collect information, rationalize, think and choose. Your subco
nscious mind – the emotional part your brain – controls whether you actually do something or not.

Let me explain…

If you want to change jobs, you’ll start having thoughts about the job change. You may start weighing options, and fear and doubt will arise related to the change, you’ll start feeling nervous and even have some unpleasant body sensations connected to such emotions, and eventually you’ll back away and stay exactly where are you’re at right now.

Now, it’s also possible that once you start thinking about the job change, you’ll start feeling fear and excitement at the same time, but the excitement will drive you to push through the fear and you’ll end up on the other side and make a bold move – change your job.

What outcome do you want?

If you want the 2nd outcome and be able to take action towards what you want, you have to get into unconscious mind and get emotionally involved with your wants. Since unconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between what’s real and imagined, you have the ability to plant good seeds there that after time will help you produce the outcomes you want.

Whether it’s constantly telling yourself a different story, consciously choosing different thoughts, repeating affirmations that negate your limiting beliefs, or sinking into good and positive emotions and feelings, all these done on a daily basis will help you close the gap between what you want and what you do.