Find What Created Your Fear

So the other day I had a pretty deep conversation with a very smart young man in his early 20s. One of the things he asked me was… “why am I afraid to show up and build my business, I’m just afraid that others will judge me if I do, what if I lose friends?”

I was immediately drawn to his childhood around age 4 and 7; something was really off there.
It later appeared that up until he was around 9, he was forced to be part of some religious cult where he couldn’t do anything without an approval, had no voice over anything he did.

No wonder he was afraid…

Every person has had some sh** going on in their lives. No matter how big or small things may have been, if they evoked a strong emotional response, you may be still carrying that attachment today that’s preventing you from moving forward.

Biz strategies aren’t going to solve things here, you’ve got to clean that sh** first because it will manifest in your life one way or another.

Find what’s causing your fear & self-doubt and eliminate or neutralize that cause so it no longer affects you.


Not sure how to do it yourself?

No worries, just send me a message here or on Facebook and let’s have a quick chat!