Let’s Grow Together

Let’s Grow Together

I am a business coach, but I am not perfect and I do not know all the answers to the questions. But I know how and where to find the answers and how to use the common sense. Believe it or not, but you may be surprised how many things are based on a simple common sense, but that is another topic .

For years I have been and still am preaching the importance of reaching out to those seeking for answers and knowledge, or just curious about the world – social media (i.e. twitter, facebook, linkedin, blogs, etc). However I was one medium short for my businesses – facebook. Lack of knowledge, time, and possibly increased procrastination (yes, we all do that) prevented me from creating a business facebook page that does not, in fact, take long time at all. Yes, this was my huge mistake as I was not able to reach out to those who needed support or information I was able to provide or simply those, who were interested in partnering with me.

So if you do not have a business facebook page, do not wait any longer, let’s do this together.

I have recently created my travel business page for Faretex Travel. I can proudly say that as of today I have 98 Likes, which means I am only 2 Likes away from my milestone of 100 Likes. My Business Coaching Company’s Edge Savvy facebook page was launched only couple days ago. With no marketing I have 13 Likes so far. This is VERY far from my goals, but I will get there, this is just the beginning.

The most important thing is the first step, then there is discipline to continue doing, and then rewards, when the goals or milestones are reached.

I have taken the first step and created these pages. Now I need to focus on discipline to follow through with my actions and continue building the content that will be shared on all my social media to reach everyone and anyone interested in what I have to say. I am not saying it is easy to build the audience, but it is definitely possible.

If you want to build and grow your business, you need partners who will help you grow it. We all help grow businesses by buying products, services, by referring clients to one another, by sharing information, or simply LIKEing a facebook page. You and I can help each other grow. Let’s find out how.