Grow Your Business Without Resistance

So someone tried to prove a point that UPLEVELING (i.e. moving to the next level of your growth in biz or personal life) ALWAYS CREATES RESISTANCE.

Here’s my take on this and I say this with love and a smile on my face… 

This is a total BS. Upleveling will NOT create resistance given the fact that you have cleared all your inner sh**.

This is one of the reasons I always talk about cleaning your inner closet first.

A closet… meaning your mind’s closet. I love this analogy because you can look at your mind as your closet full of clothes. If you keep trying on and wearing clothes that you wore when you were 5, 10, or even 20 years old, you’ll feel odd (to say the least), uncomfortable, they’re gonna be tight, not fitting, and you’ll be thinking that you look stupid, ridiculous, make yourself worry, etc. So every time you’d need to go somewhere and put your clothes on, you’d be having tons resistance because you’d know that these clothes don’t fit you and make you feel bad.

This is WHY so many people may hit the wall (or feel tons of resistance) when they grow in business or personal life.

YOU LOOK AT THE WORLD THROUGH YOUR OLD EYES, USING YOUR OLD BELIEFS AND FILTERS. And then you wonder why you work your butt off, but you don’t actually get what you want or able to feel the way you want. This happens because you operate under the OLD rules and conditions that no longer serve you.

That’s the same as you go to a ball or an upscale party wearing an onesie (I know I know, it’s a little extreme example, but you get my point). How else do you think you may feel?! What do you think would happen? You’d feel way out of place and the opposite of enjoying your experience.

These clothes are your beliefs, perception, thinking, behavior patterns – programming in general. They are engraved, programmed in you and they will either put you at ease and support you in everything you do or they will make you worry, doubt, not fit in, avoid, fear, etc.

If your mind’s closet isn’t upgraded to match who you are NOW, you’re constantly in a CONFLICT. You’re in a pull and push mode most of the same time. That’s exactly where RESISTANCE lives and thrives because your mind operates from the state of fear.

Once you upgrade the closet – have clothes that actually fit you well based on your figure, style, likes, desires – you can EASILY pick and choose what you want to wear based on the occasion, mood or where you go with NO WORRY or RESISTANCE that something may feel uncomfortable or tight.

That’s exactly what’s going on and how you operate in your life, business and everything you do.

If you believe that it is safe to uplevel or step into new experiences, you will NOT feel resistance or at least not to the point that it would hold yo back.

If you go for something new, really big or unknown, yes, you may feel a little nervous. But this nervousness is different, it’s mostly just excitement, it’s not resistance because there’s no unhealthy push and pull, no doubt or worry about whether something is right or wrong. Therefore, you can recognize it and act upon your intuitive guidance and carry yourself with confidence. And all that brings you very different results and outcome, way different from when your whole system is fearful and in resistance.

If you’ve been in resistance for a while, please…. find what’s causing it and toss it for good.

Now if you can’t do it yourself, my program might be just for you where I help you toss that resistance FAST and PERMANENTLY by first learning your default programming – how you operate every day, your emotional, thinking and behavior patterns, existing gaps and conflicts and causes of these, etc.. and then CLOSING these gaps so you operate with confidence and ease and make decisions based on what you desire, those big goals that you want to accomplish and NOT from the state of fear and resistance…. just think how much faster and easier you’d be able to sign up that client, put your offer out there or even double your income.

Want to learn more? Just send me a message here or on Facebook and let’s have a quick chat to see if this is a good fit for you. 💛