How many times have you thought or said to yourself…

~ Oh, I don’t feel like doing XYZ.
~ No matter what I do, I just can’t make X amount of $.
~ I just can’t take that action.
~ I am where I am and I just can’t change it.
~ What would people think of me if I do YZ?!

Where did those thoughts and words get you? NOWHERE.

But they DID create more doubt and hesitation in you.

Whatever story you’re telling yourself and excuses you make (yes, you DO!), they just hold you back from moving forward. You’ve simply TRAINED (unconsciously) your brain to constantly be on guard and tell you that you CAN’T do or achieve things because it’s SAFER that way; your brain is designed to protect you and keep you safe at all costs and that’s why you often talk yourself out of things.
But this fake safety is exactly what keeps you from taking action, getting new clients, taking that trip you’ve dreamed of, making X amount of $ so you can have the lifestyle that you want…


It’s time to CHANGE THE STORY and RE-TRAIN your brain.


I’ve spent years questioning myself, wondering what’s wrong with me, why I couldn’t move forward, why I felt stuck, or why I often talked myself out of taking action towards what I wanted.

NOTHING changed for me until I recognized the PATTERNS (and habits) created by my beliefs, thoughts and even emotions. But when you do that and break those patterns and thought habits, especially those that create doubt and fear, EVERYTHING changes.


It’s ALL in your head and you have a CHOICE to change things OR stay exactly where you are.

Want to change things? GREAT!

Here’s a simple process that will help you BREAK from the doubt mode – thought and behavior pattern, but you must consistently follow it.

  1. Make a decision to achieve XYZ (or you may know it as setting a goal)
  2. Take an immediate action that will take you closer to the goal right after you make this decision. This is when it gets tricky. If you don’t take action right away, you’ll start thinking, doubting, and then fear will kick in that will stop you from doing things. If this happens, move to #3. 
  3. NOTICE when you start drifting away (doubting, worrying, talking yourself out of it, creating excuses) from taking action, make yourself STOP and BREAK (or interrupt) the thought pattern. Take a deep breath in (3-2-1), hold your breath (3-2-1) and breathe out (3-2-1).  Do that 3 times. Make sure you actually count 3-2-1 in your mind. This will interrupt your thought process.
  4. Now visualize yourself achieving that goal and HOW it will feel like when you get ‘there’. Focus on the image and feeling and immediately take action (no matter how small it is) towards your set goal.
  5. Repeat.

Awareness is the key.

If you set an intention to start noticing your negative self-talk, worrying, doubt, and intentionally interrupt this pattern, I promise, you not only can enable yourself to take more action, but also change what and how you think and how you feel.



Have more than DOUBT sneaking up on you? Check out The Magic Path to Mindset Mastery