How to Boost your Customer Service

How to Boost your Customer Service

There is not a single business that can survive without a customer. So the
questions is WHY only such a small amount of companies really care about
providing the best the customer service they can to achieve the
greatest customer satisfaction. Don’t take me wrong, I am not saying
that you can or need to please all the people and get them all to buy
your products or use your services. This would be unrealistic. But you
can do your best to attract the best repeat customers and referrals by
giving them the best service you can.

7 Tips that will Improve your Customer Service

  1. Surprise – UnderPromise and OverDeliver.  This may not make sense at first, but you would be surprised about what a huge affect ‘going an extra mile’ may have on a customer. Something really small, but thoughtful, will make a customer feel important and appreciated. After a person makes a purchase, offer him or her something unexpected. It could be a follow up freebie, a faster item delivery, etc. If your company provides services, a longer coaching session or an unexpected visit to a client’s business will leave a pleasant surprise on a customer. All this translates into a happy customer and possibly a repeat customer.
  2. Invest in Knowledge and Training. This is very important to a business owner or manager as well as an employee. Employees are the face of the company, and there is nothing worse than an employee who does not know his or her job, or does not know well company’s products or services. When you go to a restaurant to have a dinner, you expect a waiter to know the menu as well as how to communicate with you & provide a good service. If you do not get a good service, you will be an unhappy customer and there is a good chance you will not return to that business. As an employee you should also care about educating and investing in yourself as this is part of your growth and improvement.
  3. ReFocus an unhappy Customer – Be Positive & Care. Things will go wrong and you need to know how to deal with those unpleasant situations. No matter what the situation is, you need to stay positive as blaming someone or arguing with a customer will get you nowhere. However, staying positive, using positive language and showing the customer that you really care, will make a big shift in that customer’s mind. Everyone makes mistakes; it’s human. But what matters most is how you correct those mistakes.
    Use a CARP method to deal with an unhappy customer:

      • Control the situation. Show that you are able listen and handle the situation.
      • Acknowledge the problem verbally. Restate the issue to make sure that all parties understand.
      • ReFocus the conversation & Reframe the situation in a more positive light. Move from the emotional state towards the actual problem solving.
      • Problem-Solve so the customer leaves happy. Offer a solution & tell a customer how exactly the issue will be solved
  4. Build a relationship. Do not rush to sell something, but instead look for common grounds and try building a relationship with a customer. A smile can buy you a client, so make sure you wear it all the time and make your clients feel welcome.


    • Get out of their way. After you acknowledge a customer, give him or her space to think or make a decision. Some people like doing research and educating themselves, so they may need some time to dig deeper into a product. So be patient, step back, give them some time, and return to make sure they do not need any help.


    • Follow up with your customers. People like being remembered. So write a thank you note, send a follow up email after a meeting or send them some tips related to their purchase. This will show them that you care. In addition, a constant communication from the business will help to retain that customer for the future.

5. Measure your customer satisfaction. Get feedback from your customers on their experience with a service or product they purchased. This action will not only build a relationship with that customer, but will also give you an insight on what the company may need to enhance or improve upon.

BUT WAIT… Here is a SPECIAL BONUS for you!

Since you are reading this, it means that you must be really eager to improve things. I love working with people who want to make a difference. But we all need a little help sometimes (I am no exception either!), so I decided to TREAT you!

Let’s double, triple or even 10x your business!

For a limited time, I’m offering a special ZERO COST one-on-one “Life and Business Breakthrough Session” Coaching Session.

During this powerful 30-minute coaching session we’ll work together to:

  • Create a crystal clear vision for “ultimate success” in growing your business – so you know exactly what to want, where you’re headed, and what you need to do to make it happen
  • Uncover hidden challenges that are keeping you from getting all the clients that you want and more
  • Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to finally achieve the change you seek – create the business of your dreams – once and for all.

I am sure this sounds good to you!

Since we’re making this offer for the first time right now for those who really need a change and we don’t know how intense the response will be, we can’t guarantee a coaching session for everyone. But we’ll take as many people as we can and then start a waitlist.

So if you ‘d like to take advantage of this very special offer and want to secure your spot for this Breakthrough Session, contact us immediately at


To Your Success!