Learn to Relax. You don’t need much to feel happy.
I was browsing the TV guide to see what’s on and just randomly clicked on some game show. It appeared that a lady has won a Jacuzzi and some tennis sport set. She was so happy as if she won free groceries for a lifetime or 10 million dollars. Was this because she was so happy that she won something (maybe she never won anything in her life) or was it because she appreciated everything that was coming to her? Well, I guess, we’ll never know…
Again and again it occurs to me that we do not value what we have or who is with us now. Why are we not happy with what we have every day? Why we do not appreciate small things we have? Why are we after the big ones all the time and forget what’s really under our noses?
Sometimes I catch myself thinking how I can improve my life, do more, earn more, find more clients, etc. But only seldom I really look and appreciate what I have now and take some things for granted.
What about you? I’m sure most of us do this. We need to be reminded to ‘stop and smell the roses,’ to enjoy life now, and to live now. This does not mean that we do not need to plan the future, figure out what we want, or to set the goals and work towards then. We do. But be reasonable.
If you:
• Have not had a vacation in past several years or at least several days off for yourself
• Work every day with no days off
• Saw or spoke to your family over a year ago
• Catch yourself thinking about work even when you’re spending time with the family
• Always need to do something and cannot relax
Then STOP. You need to change things in your life.
At the beginning, learn to RELAX.
First of all, you need to figure if you want for yourself more than just a job, business or money. If you do, take care of yourself first, then take care of others. If you’re not well, you will not be able to help others.
Secondly, look at your schedule and start taking 10 minutes off every day just to relax. Just sit down or lie down, and do nothing. If you have a nice view, enjoy it. Do not allow your thoughts to overwhelm you, and do not let yourself think about anything, except maybe ‘how wonderful this view is’… I have to warn you, this will seem VERY weird, just to sit and do nothing and think of nothing. You will struggle for the first couple days. However, more and more you do this, you will learn to relax and gain more from spending couple minutes to yourself that trying to earn all the money in the world or work 24/7. You cannot have it all, unfortunately.
If you still cannot make yourself relax, try aroma therapy, massage, some music.. Here are some suggestions:
The Very Best Of Enya
The Most Relaxing Classical Music in the Universe
Satori – Music For Yoga And Meditation
Sleep Solutions (The Calming Collection)
Songs from a Secret Garden
Didn’t like these? Choose your own style of music and also check out some Aroma Therapy products