Miracle activator subconscious limiting beliefs thought patterns emotions eliminate fear how to change beliefs




This is the ONLY NO BS mind mastery program that will give you FAST and LONG-LASTING results


After spending years of wandering, being frustrated, unfulfilled, stuck, trying numerous programs, tools and techniques, working my butt off and not achieving the results that I wanted to the point of almost quitting… I was done with search. I was done looking for things outside of me. I finally was able to hear that little voice inside me whispering to shift the gears and look for answers inside of me and “fix” myself from the inside out because the outside world was no longer responsible for who I was. It was easier said than done… But with some work, trial and error, I nailed down this magical process that now enables me and others to collapse those mind and behavior patterns, “install” and strengthen new beliefs fast and with no going back to the old.

This is how the Miracle Activator was born.


What is Miracle Activator?

  • This is a 1-on-1 program that is designed to break and eliminate your mind and behavior patterns that hold you back from standing in your power and achieving what you want.
  • After this program you’ll have newly “installed” beliefs and new patterns that support who you truly are (if you’re not sure, you’ll find that out) and what you really want to accomplish. At the end of the program you will see a major shift in how you feel, do things and what you attract into your life, business or a career – exactly what you wanted to at the beginning of it.
  • Though there’s a certain process to help you achieve results that you want fast, the program is customized to address the specific issues you have and goals you want to achieve. It’s all about you.
  • This process is a pain-free, and you will NOT be asked to go to and relive any painful events from your past.


What Miracle Activator is NOT?

  • The program is not counseling or hypnosis session, and it is not designed to address mental issues or illnesses. Please contact a therapist for that.
  • This is not a done for you business strategy or execution or random sales scrips.
  • Though some people achieve the results SUPER fast, the program is not a magic pill that you take and do nothing. Your results and how fast you get “there” depend on what’s going on in your life, your commitment and action.
  • It is not for everyone. Check out the next section to see if this is for you.




This is for you, if you:

  • Have hit the income ceiling and tried many strategies, even hired some coached, but you still don’t see the results you want
  • Are facing some Internal Challenges (fears, doubts, self-sabotage, reoccurring hindering behaviors, limiting beliefs, etc) that are affecting your life and/or business.
  • Are SERIOUS about your success and no longer want those issues get in your way.
  • Are someone who takes full responsibility and ownership of your life.
  • Are committed and willing to take action.
  • Are excited about taking control of your life and ready to invest in yourself and change your life.
  • Know that you’re meant for so much more, just not sure what holds you back or how to get “there”.


This is NOT for you, if you:

  • Are not open and ready for a change
  • Are not willing to be open and honest with yourself
  • Are not willing to try new things
  • Don’t want to do the work
  • Are okay with and want to stay where you are right now
  • Don’t have financial resources to invest in your transformation


Curious about the Results you may achieve?

Here are some of the results my clients have achieved while in the program:

  • Quandruped income in 5 months
  • From being suicidal to standing in her power and finally believing and trusting in herself.
  • From being scared and hopeless after a divorce for 3 years to taking a huge action in just 24 hours after the first session.
  • From feeling triggered and feeling emotional pain for over 20 years after the rape to 0 triggers, 0 emotional attachments and feeling peace after just one session. 
  • From being angry, vengeful and closed up after being molested as a child for close to 40 years to feeling peace and being able to finally speak and share things with his wife about the painful past.
  • From feeling undeserving and afraid to be visible for 30 years to creating a new program and signing up 4 clients in one week.
  • Quiting a job, starting a new business and making 20k within a month 
  • From being addicted to marijuana to almost non-existent urge to smoke in just couple of weeks.
  • From being frustrated, not able to hold tears out of desperation and having constant destructive mind chatter to CALM in 2 days.
  • From being on welfare and depressed to making 150k in less 12 months
  • From being fearful of public speaking and unable to articulate thoughts to doing Facebook lives and confidently speaking in front of an audience.
  • And a sweet side effect… After being in pain for at least 5 years, a physical body started to heal and be almost pain free in just two days after working on certain beliefs; after having pain for 30 years in two areas of the body, the pain in one area was completely gone and another 95% down in just one hour
  • And so much more… 


Click below and check out what Cathryn has to say about our work together…


And the BEST part is…

  • NO taking years to change things.
  • NO daily repetition of affirmations.
  • NO tapping.
  • NO hypnosis.
  • NO meditation.

(unless you like doing any of these)

Plus, you…

  • Notice that your mind chatter is automatically GONE.
  • Open yourself up for new opportunities.
  • Feel confident.
  • Are NO LONGER influenced by unhealthy fear or doubts.
  • Are able to take inspired actions and create the results you want.


Just think for a moment, what’s going to happen when…

  • Whatever was causing your issues – those roots – NO LONGER exist?
  • You create more balance in your life?
  • You get out of your way and go full speed and explode your business?
  • You finally become open and find that perfect relationship?
  • You no longer experience chronic physical pain caused by your emotional state?


Watch below how Nita has transformed her life…


Can I afford the Miracle Activator?

You can’t NOT afford it or you’ll continue paying for many more years that you’ll spend procrastinating, making excuses, not taking action, being afraid or just simply frustrated with yourself, your life and people in it, career or business.

How much did your doubts, thoughts, inaction, lost opportunities, fears have already cost you? Hundreds? Thousands? (Some of my clients said it was millions!)

Is there a price to peace of mind, knowing exactly what you need to do to get what you want, standing in confidence no matter what or being able to shift your emotions fast or not get affected at all even when life happens?

This is invaluable.




Here’s what you may be missing…

You’re an INSEPARABLE part of your life, career or business. You may as well be your business. You can’t afford NOT to invest in yourself because your ROI is limitless here as long you breathe.

In either case, you’re the person that you spend 24 hours a day with, talk most to, or ask for an advice when you need to make a decision. No, I’m not going crazy here, I’m giving you a chance to look at yourself from a slightly different angle. 🙂

Despite the fact that you’re your MOST important person, you tend to NEGLECT that person most. And how do I know? I used to do that, and I see so many others push themselves into the back seat without even realizing that they’re supposed to come first so they can be and do a lot more for others.

  • Can you truly support and lift others up, if you’re a mess? NO.
  • Can you teach others how to run FB ads if you don’t have skills or knowledge how to do that? NO.
  • Can you share love and love others, if you have no idea how to love yourself? NO.
  • Can you teach others how shift their mindset or reprogram beliefs, if your own mind chatter is unstoppably loud and you doubt yourself in every step of your way? NO.


I think you get where I’m going with this…

I don’t care where you start, just start somewhere. 

Need help? Ask for it. If you feel drawn to this program, let’s get to work. Just stop questioning if you can afford something. Instead, ask yourself…

“What would it COST me if I do NOT take this action and become a priority in my own life?”





And here’s more of what others are saying….