Release Past Pain

Here’s what I just read… this is from a coach that I really respect and like for what she does, but I do NOT necessarily agree with her methods… 
She said that in order to release the pain you need to “reawaken your own life events when you dig into your memories to find when it all started for you. Cry and morn over them.”

Do you really want to RELIVE and FEEL all over again your most painful experiences just so you attempt to release that pain that you still carry???

Please say NO… 
You do NOT need to do that. I don’t care what others say, but you DON’T need to dig and sink into those not so pleasant memories, situations, feelings, pain and torture yourself again.
You don’t. Period.

Though releasing past pain isn’t what I focus on, I come across so many entrepreneurs that are held back, blocked and chained by pain. They can’t move forward with their lives because some events or experiences and emotions and feelings created by those experiences are still running in the background AFFECTING EVERYTHING THEY DO.

I’ve helped release child molestation, kidnapping, rape, parent abandonment, bullying from a teacher, betrayals, conflicts, etc. in SUPER short amount of time (and I’m talking minutes), permanently, and WITHOUT RELIVING any of these.

Can you imagine being FREE of what you’ve been carrying for years?
Ah… it feels fantastic!

So please, if anyone tells you that the only way to release pain is to relive and feel it all over again, know that it is NOT true, and then just PM me. 😉