Reprogram Your Mind

Okay, I admit, there was a time when I firmly believed that affirmations, constant mind observation and refocus were THE way to shift one’s mindset, beliefs, perception or values. While I still believe that these things work well, are important and can bring results over time, they can no longer compare, NOT EVEN CLOSE to what is possible today.

NO taking years to change things.
NO daily repetition of affirmations.
NO tapping.
NO hypnosis.
NO meditation (unless you want it). 

I researched, looked for, tested many different things, modalities and processes to find a combination of or a single process that can help us shift and or eliminate the crap that we’re holding inside. The crap that holds us back, makes us procrastinate or feel less confidence, want to hide, etc. I worked my a$$ off. I truly believed that there must be an EASIER and FASTER way.

The interesting thing is that every time I looked for solutions I’ve come to a conclusion that we’re so used to look for really complex and complicated things to solve our problems and each time I found that SIMPLE things work BEST.

I was kinda SHOCKED. I didn’t really expect things to be THAT simple.

Let me explain…

Imagine your mind like a file cabinet where it stores all past events/experiences, situations, emotions, feelings, beliefs, etc.. that create your current TRUTH  perceived reality). So every time you find yourself in a certain situation, your mind automatically goes into the cabinet, chooses a file relevant to that situation and applies that information to the current situation that you’re in AND you produce a thought often accompanied with an emotion based on the stored information and this will reflect your Truth. Now based on what you believe is true, you’ll either take some type of action or choose to withdraw and create results (good or bad).

So let’s say you’re single and looking for a new relationship. You happen to be at the coffee shop and really cute guy starts a conversation with you ( = situation). Without you even realizing, your mind goes into your file cabinet and checks all the files related to your past relationships (romantic or not), experiences, emotions, feelings, created beliefs, perception, etc. and based on what it finds to be true to you, it applies the file (also called a filter) to the current situation. Therefore, you may start thinking “OMG, what do I say, what does he want from me, is he just messing with me, I can’t talk to him cause he may hurt me, etc.” or “what a cute guy, I’d love to talk more, get to know him, etc.” or have some other thoughts and these will either feel good or not so good. Based on that feeling, you’ll either be eager to talk to the guy or walk away from the situation.

Check the pic of the loop and you’ll need to excuse my drawing skills. 

See how simple this is??

We do or don’t do things, the way we do something and what type of results we achieve DIRECTLY DEPEND on what we have in that file cabinet.


🔥CLEAN or REPLACE the files that do NOT serve you well.🔥

Once you do that, you:
• Notice that your mind chatter is automatically GONE.
• Open yourself up for new opportunities.
• Feel confident.
• Are NO LONGER afraid.
• Are able to take inspired actions and create the results that you want.

And BEST of all, these changes come FAST and are LONG LASTING.

NO taking years to change things.
NO daily repetition of affirmations.
NO tapping.
NO hypnosis.
NO meditation (unless you want it).

Once you pull that file out, it is gone for good!

I complicated things for many years and ignored simple solutions. 
DO NOT REPEAT MY MISTAKES. Go straight to the file, pull it out and replace it with what you DESIRE to have in that file cabinet, the rest falls into places automatically.

Don’t know how?
Send me a message or click here and apply for reBORN and STOP wasting your time, money (and some of my peeps said that they wasted MILLIONS!) and energy on your fears.