Stop signing up for more courses and programs

So you’ve taken courses and programs on how to grow your business, market your services, deal with sales objections, present yourself, even meditate and visualize how you reach your goals, but you keep talking yourself out of things and still can’t double or at least increase your income (or… still feel that you don’t know enough and need to take another course)

Strategies are only a vehicle that can drive you to the destination, but YOU ARE the one driving that vehicle. If you’re taking all the wrong turns and going left, when you need to go right, you’ll never end up where want to be.

Meaning… if your inner programs, including that voice inside your head keep talking you out of things and taking you in the wrong directions, telling (and showing) you that you’re not good at or can’t do something, you’ll just continue spinning your wheels.

I was so afraid to show up and talk about what I love doing and also am really good at, i.e. rewriting your whole programming and neutralizing crappy memories that keep you stuck today.. I was afraid to be judged and thought of as someone who’s lost her mind.. 😎 So you know what I did… I kept learning more stuff thinking that this one thing will finally give me a break through.


Yes, strategies are important, but if you’re programmed to sabotage yourself by making yourself to be perfect, think that you’re not capable of doing something, procrastinate because you’re afraid that you may fail (or succeed), need to learn more because you’re not good enough or don’t know enough, etc., you’ll just continue the pattern until you CHOOSE to look for the answers beyond the strategies and eliminate the real causes of the above symptoms.

Now… that programming is long gone, and that’s exactly why you see me posting on my personal wall, showing up, and sharing my truths – what actually worked for me and others.

If the programming you hold (i.e. beliefs, values, perception, habits, patterns, etc) is NOT SUPPORTIVE of your goals, you’ll be constantly feeling not good enough and unconsciously sabotaging your efforts by thinking that this client will never sign up with me, that I don’t know enough, I need to learn another strategy, I don’t know XYZ yet, I need to be better ABC, etc.

You will also find ALL the reasons WHY you can’t do or can’t afford something, won’t make it or will never reach XYZ goal. That’s just your mind’s doing – it tries keeping you safe (if you’re not sure what that means, just PM me, I’ll explain).
You KNOW that you can motivate yourself or find that money or time to buy that pair of shoes that you really want or go on a trip that you dreamed of or finish work earlier so you can see your favorite band…

It’s NOT about not being able to do things.
It’s about ALLOWING your old fears take over and turning your back on your desires.

If you’re done wondering, struggling, learning more and are truly ready to take your business to the next level, I’ve created a 1-on-1 intensive where we identify your mind’s blueprint (how your currently operate, making money decisions, use strategies, etc), gaps & conflicts, then neutralize & rewrite the unsupportive memories and beliefs and break the patterns super fast, in the matter of a couple of months, so you can sign up more clients and at least double your income.

Interested in learning more? Just send me a quick message on Facebook  and let’s chat.